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Oak Lodge History Archive
The Archive will be comprised of several sections. Some will relate
to historical data, photos, maps, narratives, etc. Some will pertain
to community planning activities. Each section is described below.
Community Assessment Document: History Section
This is the OLHD's main task in the Oak Lodge Planning Process [need link].
It will be structured as follows:
This is a 1-2 page executive summary or general introduction.
Amplified Local History
This is a more in-depth history of the area. There are several possibilities for how it could be organized or laid out:
- Eras or Time Periods
- Key Topic Areas
- geology/hydrology
- transportation
- waves of settlement
- commerce/business
- ... or whatever is decided
- Neighborhoods
Wherever possible, citations will be given and linked.
This section will be comprised of additional selected materials, charts, and/or lists, such as:
- More on Native Peoples
- Demographic charts
- DLC maps (Donation Land Claims) [need link]
- Lists of 19th century settlers
- Development of schools and libraries
- ... and others
Component Parts
This section of the archive will be driven mostly by the interests of individual History Detectives. Possibilities include:
Timelines of dates, events, and movements. These would have brief notes and/or citations. It would be very instructive to have each timeline be comprised of two parts:
- Big picture/social impact (what was happening nationally, etc)
- Local importance (how did events tie into or impact the community)
Maps are very important to understanding the flow of history in an area. We need to have several types available, including:
- DLCs (Donation Land Claims)
- Territorial roads
- Subdivisions
- Metzgers [need link]
- ... and others
Native Peoples
There are many topics to be covered, including:
- Origins
- Language and culture
- Decline/displacement
- Interactions
- ... etc
We need compmarative figures for different eras, pehaps in 10-20 year intervals.
- Primary and secondary sources that our citations link to
- Bibliographic information
- Research information
- Contact information
- How-To documents
- FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- ... etc
Specific Neighborhood Entries
Land Ownership/Occupancy
For example, Crow, Creighton, Jennings,
Oatfield, Naef, etc.
Community Recollections and Stories
Oak Lodge Historic Homes Inventory
Found on the
Historic Buildings page.
Individual Topics
This could be informed by the state and federal criteria [needlink], such as:
- Transportation
- Social Movements
- Commerce/Business
- Geology/Hydrology
- Growth and Settlement
- Schools and libraries
- Natural Environment
- ... or whatever is decided